Today (wednesday the 3rd) is shaping up fine...

... but we will see what happens. We are once again very keen to get on the water. yesterday the weather played a cruel trick on us. At 5p.m. the forecast winds hadn't arrived and it was all looking flat. It's pretty unusual for wind to pick up at this stage so we called an end to the day. Later as Helena and I were winding things up the wind began to build. seeing the chance to go for a windsurf we rigged up and went out to Speed-spot.

Conditions continued to build until I hate to say it... my otherwise ideal windsurfing session was destroyed by the knowledge that we should have been out there with the boat!!! It made me slightly sick after the teasing mother nature gave us the previous day.

After over a year on site we are pretty good at guessing local conditions and keeping our options open. We don't miss much anymore... but yesterday we did. I don't think it would have been an epic day... but it would have been valuable none-the-less.

So the forecast for today has been 'yo-yoing' with every review. It is currently forecasting winds to 24 knots which is pretty ideal. So we are in full 'go' mode. The tide will only allow us onto the course at around 4p.m. local (1400 GMT). The 'live-feed' will be coming out of the timing hut once more and we remain as hungry as ever to start collecting records.

The new 3mm rigging line arrived from MARLOW yesterday and we spent the morning at BENGUELLA ENTERPRISES doing stretch and break tests on their test bench to find out how best to use it for our own purposes. The rigging will represent about a 1.5kg weight reduction and about a 45% reduction in windage on all standing rigging. The actual tests were invaluable in showcasing some real do's and don'ts with how to splice and lash the ends for our specific purposes. Thanks to Barry and the boys for helping us out.

Righto, better keep putting it all on then.


Cheers, Paul

Cheers, Paul.


never say never

never say never. got to be honest I couldn't see how it was all going to work out. But got to give it to ya, what a fantastic time, and in such light winds. A big congratulation to the team.

Looking to see more new soon, good luck


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